Thursday, March 19, 2009

What is money?

Life is unpredictable. To me, its funny the way pieces of paper with dead presidents on them dictate our lives. We fall victim to what we once strived to keep sacred. Invisible boundaries trace themselves in communities around the world depending on how much of the paper an individual has. When it comes down to it, its only paper. Mere pieces of processed tree bark and ink. Some people live their entire lives simply trying to make a profit from everything and anything...sigh.....The more I learn, the more sorrow I feel. Sometimes I despise wisdom......... Money is a curvatious slut with lingerie and clear heels. I am sad to say that I am falling victim to my own "erection."


  1. In the Bible it is stated that "the love of money is the root of all evil," not money itself. We all know that money is essential or rather pivotal when it comes to our everyday lives. This is a blog where everyone can share and receive information on how to make money. Feel free to ask questions or post any information related to the topic.

  2. Interesting fact: money is made from non-paper material. I think it is made from 25% linen and 75% cotton. (So i guess we have been going 'green' for a long time').

    I somewhat agree with the bible quote posted. Money is the 'root' of MOST evil. But I think that if one lays a good foundation for themselves, they may avoid most of the 'evil' trip ups that come with money - maybe by following that key commandment " Treat your neighbor like you'd like them to treat you"...or something of that nature.

    That being said, money makes things much easier to accomplish - if only it could bring happiness with it!

    I am a firm believer that you cannot make tons of money i.e. rich, if that is one's goal, by working for someone, as this will only make the business owner rich. But again, this all depends on what one defines as 'rich' and to what degree.

    Therefore, working for oneself, may be answer but the amount of work and commitment required is something most people are not willing to do, thus we seem to take the easy route. Those tedious, routine 9-5's and complain about them all our lives.

    I will definitely follow up with more of my thoughts of 'money'. But for now, i will indulge like most others, in my 9-5 ;).


  3. We all need it. How to get it is the lingering question that at times leads to many vices. Best approach: follow your passion. In unrestricted environment such the United States one can get enough to live on or even more to squander. My experience is that there are many windows that are already open or waiting to be opened. In our competitive world college education seems to be one of viable mechanisms for opening some of the windows. College gives you the sound mind to explore,rationalize steps that you make,and most importantly the knowledge of what exists here and there; of course being cognizant of time and space. R-S

  4. Before paper money, there was barter trade. As the society progressed and a need for a better means of exchange became apparent, paper money" came along. All I am arriving at is money is a necessity. As much as love for money is the soure of evil, we cannot do without it. If we could, we would have no bank armed robberrie, no spouses killing their partners to avoid paying alimony. I can go on and on... we need money.E.O.O

  5. Im a junior in high school that has a job, but isnt making enough money. I would like to pick up more hours but i also have to go to school and dance so i barely have time. As of right now I need to save money for my Junior Prom and at the same time i continue to spend money when the weekends come. How can i earn some extra cash?

  6. Making money is not the biggest problem for me right now, it's trying to figure out how to keep some of it for myself. It goes out for bills just as quick as it comes in. I paid down or off a lot of my debts and still can barely keep my head above water. I'm a full-time college student paying my own way and working. I need to find a way to make some more money without working more hours because it's interfering with my class and study time.

  7. Priscilla,
    There are a number of ways as to how someone of your age group can make extra money. Most of it really depends on effort. Babysitting seems to be a very profitable and doable means of making money for a female your age. Especially since people are more likely to hire a female over a male to babysit. I would suggest you check out You will find plenty of babysitting opportunities and gigs of that nature in the city that you live in. As always, be careful as to who you deal with. Let me know if that helped.

  8. Fran,
    You just need to be patient and get done with school. It's very hard to find a college student who is supporting him/herself and, at the same time, has extra money to spend (You are not alone, trust me!). Life is tough and you have to realize that money comes and goes. But making money is a process; it needs time, commitment and PATIENCE. There are no shortcuts to making quick money without making sacrifices! Good things come to those who wait. Have a plan and work at it relentlessly. I would suggest hanging in there, getting school out of the way first, and then take the money making thing head-on! Good Luck.

  9. Well, it seems that all responses do not really give a solution. It feels like there is a mysterious way to make money that we, the general public are missing. Whenever someone finds this secret out, post it on and I sure will give it a try.
    It sure does make things run a lot smoother. I think that a good thing to do is INVEST with the little that you have. Always try to make money out of what you have and sooner or later, you should be on the road to residual income.
    Priscilla, my suggestion is to smile real hard at those that love you and get your way paid through some of Junior prom :)

