Monday, March 30, 2009


A story I conjenctured so that all who read may find light in the darkness that is everyday life...

I placed the rope around my neck and almost simultaneously, dark, misguided, tribal thoughts raced through my now troubled mind. Anomalous thoughts of unicorns, seahorses and one legged turltes wobbled themselves through my imagination. My vision became blurry. Burning dollar signs flew in my direction causing me to sway from side to side not knowing that my involuntary actions were soon to be my last. The tables support leg creaked painfully as though mourning my fate. I forcefully closed, then opened my eyes and approximately 10 meters away from me, stood my mother. She stared at me, transfixed looking at me about to take my own life. For the first time in my life, I felt like I existed. I felt like I was getting noticed, finally somebody paying attention to me. The once black sheep of the family, now the shining light. Finally, finally my presence is felt...
Tell me what you think the story means.What do you think of the money reference?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What is money?

Life is unpredictable. To me, its funny the way pieces of paper with dead presidents on them dictate our lives. We fall victim to what we once strived to keep sacred. Invisible boundaries trace themselves in communities around the world depending on how much of the paper an individual has. When it comes down to it, its only paper. Mere pieces of processed tree bark and ink. Some people live their entire lives simply trying to make a profit from everything and anything...sigh.....The more I learn, the more sorrow I feel. Sometimes I despise wisdom......... Money is a curvatious slut with lingerie and clear heels. I am sad to say that I am falling victim to my own "erection."